Otherwise, all non-first profile to Animal Crossing Bells start a game in ACNH are second class citizens residing in a person's island and are actively barred from progressing the game or taking any purposeful decisions in its development.
You would be surprised how many ACNH sales are in fact only people purchasing another copy so that they may have a second island on another Switch and play them both at precisely the same time (a few people use the secondary island for storage, or even simply to become creative in a way they aren't on the main island).
Trading things or visiting a different island to drop or pick up things can only occur when both players are online, so yes, you need two copies of this game on two different systems running at the same time.
Prometheus is just another personal favourite, but I feel as though he would be on Zag's side, he sided against the gods over the titans, backing the winning group, and again with humans across the gods, once again the winning team, watching as Zag is destined to succeed, I believe he'd back us, plus he is not the biggest fan of those gods as they punished him for Cheap Animal Crossing Items gifting flame to guy.