As a college student, you may be familiar with the term APA. APA style is said to streamline editor’s works and maintain the standard writing rules. Though, it is no less than torture for students. Chances are you often can’t understand the checklist your professors provide and use mhra Citation Format to produce your document. Discussed below is the checklist in the simplest term that you can follow to cite your document quickly.
General format
The general format of APA citation as advised by nursing assignment writing help are as follows:
Set the margin to 1 inch
Place the Times New Roman font to 12 points.
Double-space your paper
Keep two spaces after each period.
Place the running head at every page’s head without exceeding 50 characters.
To create a list within a paragraph, use letters than numbers.
Create a list for every indented item. You may use letters, numbers or even bullets. However, the regulation stresses using bullets only for things that do not follow a specific order.
Stay away from using endnotes and footnotes.
Writing guidelines
Use active voice in plagiarism checker free online or any assignment you use APA citation
Steer away from terms that identify with biases
Using colloquial terms is prohibited
Title page
The title page must have a title of 12 words without abbreviation
Mention the page header with the term “Running Head” atop the page
Avoid titles in the author’s name
Write abstract on a separate page with “Abstract” centred in regular font
Write a short research summary on assignment topics like online Mechanical Engineering Assignment, parameters and all necessary information.
Limit abstract length to150 – 200 words without indenting the paragraphs
In-text citations
In-text cite every quote or paraphrase
For quotations, cite the author’s last name, publishing year and page number
Mention the author’s last name and publishing year for paraphrases
Cite two authors with & separating the last name and year
For 3-5 authors, place the last name of all the authors and the publishing year
For six or more authors, write the name of the first author and et al.
References list
Write “References” centred atop a separate reference page and place it at the document end
Add all the cited sources in the reference list
Follow standard hanging indentation
Alphabetize the references by author’s last name and put each author’s name with the last name, then initial.
reference each journal-title entirely and capitalize the important words
To reference articles, books and websites, capitalize the first letter only.
Discussed above is the APA citation guideline in the simplest term. Use it to cite your paper quickly. mhra referencing website
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