Filing of Application
The first step in the procedure for Copyright registration under the Copyright Act is for the author of the original work or his agent on his behalf to file an
application, either electronically through the Copyright website or physically at the Copyright office or through registered or speed post. The registration of each
work necessitates the submission of a separate application to the Registrar, along with the necessary fee for each work. Following the submission of the application,
the registrar will issue the applicant a diary number.
Following the submission of the application, the copyright application is examined. The examiner will assess the application for a minimum of 30 days. The goal of the waiting time is to allow others to raise objections to the copyright application. If no objections are raised by the others, the examiner will proceed to analyse and scrutinize the application for any discrepancies.
The registration step is the final stage in the procedure for copyright registration under the Copyright Act. The registrar may request further documentation from the applicant if necessary. Once the Registrar of Copyrights is totally pleased with the applicant's copyright application, the Registrar of Copyrights enters the details of the copyright into the register of copyrights and issues a Registration Certificate to the applicant. When the applicant receives the extracts from the Register of Copyrights, the procedure for Copyright Registration is complete (ROC).